Step into the captivating world of "My Little Dark," the latest masterpiece by Born Days (Mellissa Harris). Embark on a journey through the enigmatic corridors of the mind with the first single from the upcoming album, also titled "My Little Dark," set to release on October 6th. This hauntingly beautiful song sets the album's tone, exploring the unseen specters that wander our thoughts as we navigate survival on our planet. Born Days crafts outsider music, inviting kindred souls to escape and join her on an ethereal voyage through clouds and into a profound dream state. The stunning music video, a creation by Swedish Illustrator Johannes Helgelin, perfectly complements this enchanting experience. Get ready to dive into the depths of "My Little Dark" and let your imagination take flight. Comments are closed.
Audiosport Records is a small Dutch record label. We only releases vinyl albums and cassettes and digital singles.
Latest releases
Born Days
'My Little Dark' (digital single) Ester
'Laundry' (digital single) Kaminski
'Black Salad' (digital single) THURST
'I'm Gen X' (cassette) Kaminski
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'MOAN' (vinyl/cassette) MOAN
'Nothing in Nature' (digital single) William Seen's
Transport Music 'Try Like The Rest of Us' (digital single) Alice TM
'Little Orbits' (cassette) Kaminski
My Diary Lied (digital album) Moonloops
Paper Planes (digital single) Faske
Jij Belt Mij Alleen Wanneer Jij Dronken Bent (vinyl) Archives
August 2023
If you think your songs have substance, that they might fit the AudioSport Records vibe, then please get your demo over to us... Read more